
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


Wanker up, wanker down

So...never go to the film festival to pick up men.

I was standing in line for the Danish movie last night, in front of C., when C. commented to me that a "very good looking guy was TOTALLY checking you out."

I laughed. "Maybe he was someone who knows me from work."

So we got into the theatre and some guy came up to me to ask me if the seat next to me was taken. I responded that the coat that was on it had been on it when WE (meaning C. and I) had arrived.

It was apparently the guy. And what did he do?

He sat directly behind us.

And then after the movie he came over to US to chat ME up at the reception.

When he returned to the buffet table a second time to get more cheese, C. concluded, "Um. Maybe you don't want to date him."


The guy was a pompous fool, name-dropping and everything. I kind of applauded his balls for coming up to talk to me when I was apparently WITH a date for all he knew, but beyond that...WHAT an ARROGANT MORON. It's amazing to me that some people can be so attractive and yet never realize that looks only take you so far...

Ah well, I suppose I should appreciate any attention. :)

Actually, as I commented to C., just knowing that M. respects me and cares about me - even though we cannot have a relationship - is enough for me right now. I have other *shit* to take care of. I'm not looking to date. Maybe next year. Maybe just when it happens naturally.

So I ate SO much cheese at the Danish reception. The Danish put on a wonderful reception. Last year's was also great. This year's was terrific. Quite a spread. I mean, my calcium intake for the week. And since the movie was the late show and had technical problems, the reception was not overcrowded.

On the way home, C. and I came upon a guy lying on the ground. He'd been lying there for a while. I think that the stupid other people who had passed him had ignored him because they had thought he was a drunk or something. The guy had broken his left leg and he had started seizing (maybe he'd had a seizure in the first place before his fall - no time to look for a bracelet). He was actually lying on the ice IN FRONT of a hotel and the stupid concierge hadn't even come out. So we called the ambulance and got blankets and held his head up. I felt so sorry for the poor guy. He was freezing and obviously in shock. And his left tibia was clearly broken. GOD PEOPLE ARE SO STUPID. Some stupid girl came out of the bar attached to the hotel that he was lying in front of, as we were waiting with him, and said that she had seen the guy talking to some guys and then she had seen him lying on the ground there for a while?!?!?

It was BLOODY COLD OUT! Welcome to France!?!?!?!? as the wonderful Fifi always says.

SO, anyhow, we got home late. I'm a bit underrested. No matter. I'm skipping yoga in favour of a remove-this-cheese-from-my-gut run. I will run and then nap and then I need to make baked goods as I agreed to donate to a work bake sale for a Christmas basket charity thingie. Lemon loaf and cookies. Keep it simple. I'm not a great baker.

Hmm..I think that that's all. All is well. One day back at work was hell and I found myself already getting stressed. But you know, information is power.

C'est tout! Have a great day!


10:14 a.m. - 2008-11-29


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unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
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