
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


I'm in demand, baby

Want to hear something funny?

I received a notice that I have been shortlisted for a job to which I didn't even apply! I mean, it's a type of job for which I've NEVER applied. I am qualified for it, though. Such an odd thing. I think I know from where they got my resume but I am not sure. Should be a highly amusing interview.

I'm good but I'm not that good!

I'm going to try to not worry that my boss doesn't like me--I know that he's a weird guy anyhow, so I'm trying not to take the undulations of his mood too seriously.

I just keep my head down. Sort of a sad statement on my life.

I got paid today though. Man it rocks to have a whopping cheque again after the last six years of bloody grad. school!

I'm trying not to get too excited, however, since the stream could dry up fairly soon if they don't run a competition for an indefinite-status position. Government and their stupid 'boxes'.

So the carrots were not good. I am, as a result, not eating.

Man I'm dull.

C. is coming to visit this weekend. I went to the supermarket on my way home and bought all of his favourite foods. Am I not a good friend? :)

Actually, the scientist and I were talking about this this weekend. Perhaps it's true of many people as they age, but for us we agreed that it is true that we enjoy spending money on other people, as opposed to spending money more generally. I really feel that way. Although I enjoy buying myself nice clothing now and again, I really love to spend my money on others. I think it's because I appreciate the time that others spend with me--on a Saturday afternoon, for lunch at work, whatever--so much that I want those times to be marked by effort.

I'd make such a good wife, would I not?

The problem is that men bore me very rapidly. True. I just haven't met a man yet who I thought was enough to sustain me forever.

A friend of mine and I are going to release books next week to participate in that crazy program through which people follow books via the web, as they travel from place to place in finders' hands. Kind of a silly thing to do. Actually, a very silly thing to do. Hmm...

So I'm going to make myself some clothes, starting with a couple of pretty winter sweaters.

I'm speaking about nothing again, which is OK. I'll cut it here though until a burst of brilliance comes upon me. We could be waiting a long while.

Wait! I was going to mention that my mom sent me an email with a sender name of only 'mom' today. I almost deleted it as junk mail. What was she thinking? My mom is the funniest of women. She's sort of gone nuts with activities and web exploration since she retired. I wouldn't be surprised if I were to one day hear that she was planning to be a space tourist, or to join a commune for traditional rug hookers. I think of a nimble Mrs. Cl@us when I think of my mother these days. (Aided, in part, by the fact that she--unlike me--LOVES Christmas. It's a major point of dispute between us, actually--our house always looks like someone literally barfed Yuletide greetings on it, which always depresses me immeasurably. I still haven't quite figured out why I have the strong urge to run for the hills with every Christmas season. Perhaps I should take a Caribbean vacation this year. But then I'd be stuck in line with other Yuletide escapees, or worse--those who simply mean to transplant their Christmas to sunnier climes...Europe would be preferable, perhaps?)

I would accuse my mom of setting up surname-less email accounts so that she can carry on illicit web relationships...but that just wouldn't be my mom. My mom is the kind of woman who is such a goody-two-shoes that she declares EVERYTHING when she crosses the border; for some reason she likes to pay duty.

I'm meandering again. I'll finish this by saying that I am half-hearted about dating these days. I have a date on Monday with a guy who--if I weren't so blase about it all--would actually seem like a good bet. He's wickedly cute, seems sweet, seems reasonably smart, and he's a competitive cyclist on the side too. Ah whatever...

The history professor is pursuing me again as well. But since I've discovered that it is indeed true that men have a biological clock I am seeking far younger sperm. :)

OK. I'm really off now. I'm going to try to consume something nutritious, and maybe even allow myself to curl up in front of some crap tv.


7:44 p.m. - 2006-10-19


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Come al solito - 2011-04-16
unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
Whirlwind. - 2011-04-13
bleak that flips over to daffodil - 2011-04-08