
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


C'est la verite.

Serious pride points, here. I went to bed relatively early again last night. I also turned off the computer early. Although I didn't turn it off before I discovered that the skirt I ordered had gone on sale YESTERDAY. Doh! I suppose I could go through the complicated process of buying a new one and returning the not-on-sale one when it arrives, but that seems like too much effort. DOH!

Anyhow. It happens.

I've stopped worrying about the volcano, mostly, although I do laugh over the idea that if I get there and the volcano spouts again I might seem quite brilliant for having bought BOTH train tickets and an airline ticket between England and Italy. Who knew?

I do also laugh at happenstance, whatever, because I debated and debated about going in April and I finally settled on May. You might remember that it took me weeks, because things didn't feel quite right. NOt sure. But here I am possibly lucky to be going later.

So for some reason I think of it as lucky when pigeons land on my balcony. I used to have one in Montreal whom I'd nicknamed "Bob the pigeon." But of course we all know now that Bob is actually a cat who likes to watch the BBC.



I did tell you that I have a parasol. Please excuse my state - I had just rolled out of bed:


My neighbourhood is lovely in spring. Man how i love spring. We're having an unusually long spring this year as the snow melted so early. I am more than grateful.





Am no longer worrying about the ash. OK, well maybe a little. But such is life and whatever will be will be. I will wait until the date, and if things don't work out THEN I will buy another ticket. I realized that I don't want to waste money that I don't have to. I don't really have money to waste, and besides there are much better uses for it, e.g. spending on people.

I like what Anna said about what we're doing to future generations. This crisis has indeed revealed weaknesses in our supply chains. I mean, not that we didn't already know that we were living an idiotic lifestyle and raping the planet. I'm more than aware that I am a big culprit with my yarn from England and my international air travel. This could all be fixed if the fairy of houses and men and everything could just find me a count and settle me in Italy permanently!!! I would very happily go back to the land and make artisinal cheese and grub for turnips and the like (especially if I could wear a hoop skirt doing it! Wait - that's a different movie). Still, I'm quite serious. I always wanted to have an apple farm, until I found out how many pesticides seem to be required to protect apples. There are apparently a lot of apple pests. But then again, it must be possible to produce organic apples that aren't too twisted and knotty to turn off fastidious consumers. Ah hell - who cares about consumers? Maybe I need to find an Italian farmer...


8:13 a.m. - 2010-04-21


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Come al solito - 2011-04-16
unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
Whirlwind. - 2011-04-13
bleak that flips over to daffodil - 2011-04-08