
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


Which is which!

Hi friends,
Hope you are well.

I had a lovely day, except I was feeling really ill until half way through.

In all honesty, I thought, "Oh god! I've got cancer or something." I had such bad cramps.

And then I realized that I have been drinking quite a bit of coffee here in Italy, and often on an empty stomach. I went for chamomile today and ate a fair bit to coat the stomach and the horrible ache is starting to go away.

So that is good. Phew!

Still, now I am feeling incredibly wiped out. Allergies, maybe. It was also quite hot today. I drank two bottles of water, even though I don't normally drink water.

I was walking with Joan and Deb tonight and was almost convinced by them to buy a crazy beautiful ruffled dress! It is navy. It is fantastic. It is rather expensive, but not out of the question. I must admit that I am rather tempted. The alternative is a much more classy and understated dress in a chocolate silk-linen blend. Does anyone remember Michelle Pfeiffer's Oscar dress? I don't normally go in for strapless but it is very chic. And fits perfectly. Tricky. I mean, on the one hand a dress that is in cotton but is a real standout; on the other hand something that will definitely be a wardrobe go-to piece for at least five years (one can wear strapless until 45, non? I'm a spoiled brat, I know. Good thing I have a decent job to return to.

Who knows. I'm kind of being nuts these days. I haven't bought much, though I have bought a couple of small things (two summer shirts and a pair of ballet flats for my aching feet). And of course I bought the art history course and the food and drinks on my birthday. Otherwise, I've been low key and have been staying at the hostel.

Oh! Speaking of which, I think I have decided to splurge on a hotel for the next few nights. Actually, maybe just Friday and Saturday, or Saturday and Sunday. Not sure. I think I need some privacy and chill. I'm so, so tired.

I can't believe I am going home on Monday. It makes me quite sad. Sniff. Sniff. :)

But alas, life and work must go on.

Should see Marco tomrorrow.

He actually tried to call me today but I missed his two calls. For one I was out for lunch and couldn't hear the phone; for the second I was at the BI for a lecture on Donatello. God was that room ever full of stuffy Brits! And eccentric ones too. I'm sure they were nice. I did laugh a bit at their Italian driving loafers worn with ankle socks though. Call me judgmental!

Gosh, Joan must be having an influence on me. I'm ranting like mad! The Brits deserve it for snubbing me though. :) The BI is a funny place. Not sure I would go back. But then again, the drawing class has been priceless. I would do THAT again. And the art history, too, although I think in future I might self-teach as I have a good grounding now. And have decided that what I really love is the drawing. This weekend I am going to take my sketch pad and draw.


10:04 p.m. - 2009-05-20


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How does it go? - 2011-04-14
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