
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


Vegetables and industrial food and unsexy true crime

Hmm...Today I was sort of productive, and then things went off the rails. My head felt slow and heavy all afternoon. Nevertheless, I did forge forward, if slowly. I wonder if it's just that I've been pushing my head too much lately and it's as a result slowing down? :)

Not sure.

But Easter is coming! Easter is coming. Thank GOOOOOODDDDDNNNNEEEEESSS for the holiday.

I was a bit of a food hog at the grocery store tonight. I realized that I am out of brown rice and tofu and other good things such as these, and so I went to the supermarket (which I generally avoid except every couple of weeks or so, on account of my vegetable delivery).

Oh my lord I nearly broke my hands off walking home with all of the bags. I don't know what it is about me that thinks a giant pineapple, four lbs of strawberries, a few dry goods such as sugar, salmon, spinach, chocolate (yes, chocolate!), a giant bag of brown rice, three cartons of soy milk, a bag of avocados, and a giant eco-pack of toilet paper should be carried home through the snow by a small woman all at once! Ouch! Oh and let's add to that a ham for C. for Easter weekend.


But I'm home now and everything is unpacked and newly-anal clean freak me is well satisfied with the fact that she completed the unpacking operation without making much of a mess.

So there's no other news. I have La Traviata to go to tomorrow night. I wish I'd booked off THursday, but of course I haven't.

I haven't otherwise thought of anything new or planned any new and cool ways in which I am going to move forward in life, but I did make slight progress in one area: I tried to let go at work. I'm working at consciously stopping the bad thoughts (I'm stupid, useless, etc., etc.) as they come and replacing them with, "I'm human. I made a mistake. I can do better next time, perhaps, now that I know more!"

So that's good. I'm always catching myself in mistakes as I am a perfectionist - and it particularly hurts when someone else catches them first - but as I said I'm learning, surprisingly, that it's OK to make mistakes! I've never had that view about myself. Of course I've always had that view about everyone else - except in the event that the mistakes result from disrespectful, uncaring laziness.


Oh...I don't know what else to say. I bought two lbs of strawberries for C. I do hope that he comes over and hasn't already bought some for himself. They were on sale, obviously.

I hate "big food." It ticks me off. I bought from it today. But my goodness would I ever see anythign containing vitamin C. in the winter if not.

Oh! Further to my organic veggie delivery thing though, I found out some VERY interesting facts about my farm. I knew that one of my farmers was awaiting extradition to the U.S., and I didn't want to know the details. I kept on telling people that I was dealing with the serial killer farm.

Turns out, however, that it's likely an unfair extradition. Seems the guy was a lawyer who left Texas about thirty years ago and was later accused of having something to do with a missing savings account related to his firm that went belly up. It seems that he didn't really do anything with the savings account, only forget about it or forget to assign or file paperwork before he left the country. I think the money was later found. Anyhow. You can tell that I'm really interested in the details. Not.

Not so sexy to have a lawyer farmer dude, non? :)

So the interesting part of the story is that it turns out that my farm also supplies produce to the Governor General's mansion (OK), AND for the Prim3 Minister's residence (not so sure that I want to be eating the same roughage as do Muffin Head and his family :)).

SO that explains why my veggies are so expensive. And I really don't think that they are expensive at all! I mean, they are worth it. It explains though why people told me it is difficult to get on their list. I imagine that my very downtown and convenient location and easy delivery spot sealed the deal. Check!

So, I found another blessing of the day. IT seems, however, that the farm is going to close down if the guy gets extradited. So I've been asked to sign a petition to the Just!ce Minist3r. I would, were I in any other profession, but as a public servant at a delicate agency and lacking any of the particulars I will not likely put my name on the petition. Oh the trials of life! So cross your fingers for me that my supply of fingerlings and white and red carrots and frilly chard and heirloom beets does not dry up. I would be very sad in that event. ;)

OK. I will bore you no longer. I will go and do...something. Maybe make like a normal person and cook some dinner at a reasonable hour!


6:52 p.m. - 2008-03-18


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