
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


Writing to make it true.

A lovely day. Rather embarrassed about my blip before going on that date yesterday, but, well, I'm human.

This morning it was brightly sunny. That's not the case at the moment, but I'm cozy in my place and enjoying my favourite "books" radio program.

This morning C. and I went out to take advantage of the sunshine and skated 10 km on the canal. I have to confess to having been a bit nervous initially to hit the ice (literally!), but in the end of course I got my legs under me. I realize that I am very fortunate to have never been particularly afraid of doing anything physical. I have a high degree of trust in my body, which is a wonderful gift. I didn't do anything to get that. I was watching the little kids going about recklessly, falling down in their snowsuits and picking themselves up. It was so cute! I think I've managed to retain a little bit of that. Of course they have less far to fall! :)

Speaking of fitness, I think that Anna has has inspired me to join the gym on the way home from my work. I like the idea of having access to a pool and a sauna (I love a sauna! I mean, love love love). I'm also thinking of doing some weights again and also taking the occasional spinning class.

C. and I did a reasonably long run up through the arboretum yesterday, but I find that I'm not really enjoying the running much this winter. I will keep up with it a few times a week, but I don't think I'll start training seriously until I need to later this year, for next year's London Marathon. (I am committed to doing that marathon next year, and frankly it's perfect as I'll be 40 and a master at that time!)

I think I should also consider going to the yoga studio more often than once a week. I quite enjoyed my class yesterday and, well, why not?


As you can tell, I'm making lists of things to do. I don't want to overschedule, but I also want to get on things.

One thing that has been on my list and that I haven't done is cross-country skiing. I don't think I'm going to do it this year after all. It's already the end of January. We've had a late start to the winter with a warm November and then sort of weird weather in early January. With the canal, running and gym...not sure if I need the skiis. I also already have the snowshoes and so maybe I'll try to get out for a couple of weekends in February for a few sessions.

I've also been thinking about joining the cycling club in the spring. I've said this over and over again and I want you guys to kick my ass this year. I love to cycle, I already have a great bike, and there are several good cycling clubs around. I think that I'm more likely to meet men to date in that environment, anyhow, than online. I think it's a better plan. The reason that I never get to it is that it's a bit complicated, and also group rides scare me a bit (going fast and in a tight pack). I never like the idea of having people around me when I can't actually pull over myself and get out of the pack, and the clubs also require that I take a group riding seminar before I do. I'll also need to take a proper bike maintenance class. I've been lazy about that. But I think this is the best option for me because I would love to meet people with whom I could go on cycling vacations, e.g. to South America and Europe. There are people who do that. How I love cycling...

I don't know. I know I should take a drawing course, but they always seem so unappealing at the local school. Also, going for three hours at night after working for 9-10 hours seems rather exhausting in the winter. I know - lazy lazy.

So the writer did contact me and we're meeting for coffee tomorrow. He seems really chilled out - is not expecting magic, but is looking to make new friends with whom to go to art-y events around town (cool!) - and very polite. He said he had sent me a message yesterday but then when he checked today he couldn't see the outbound mail.

I ought not to call him "the writer," as he's one of two. I'm going out with another writer late in the week. He sounds very nice and intelligent as well. Multilingual, son of a diplomat, curious, creative and polite. Not bad. And he even speaks Italian! (He's not Italian, but he lived there.)

Well, you just never know. I am leaving everything open. No need to plan anything too aggressively.

Oh! There's a fabulous film event taking place on Thursday night. At0m Egoy@n, who is one of my favourite Canadian filmmakers, will be appearing at a showing of one of his films at the F!lm !nst!tute. C kindly offered to pick me up an advance ticket tonight.

Finally - and sorry for the laundry list - next weekend I think I am going to go to see the Boston B@llet.

Thanks for tolerating this, if you happened to read through. Just writing it out has helped me to organize my thoughts and punch through a bit of my inertia.



3:18 p.m. - 2010-01-24


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Come al solito - 2011-04-16
unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
Whirlwind. - 2011-04-13
bleak that flips over to daffodil - 2011-04-08