
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


And then, back to the Italians...

Hi dudes,
You can go back one entry to read about my escapade last night. It was rather fun.

Today, I am old. But I don't mind. No email from even CLAUSY. CLAUSY forgot my birthday! And no email from Marco. {I do not care - don't worry. In fact, it is good to keep this in mind as I go forward.)

I really don't care that much about my birthday. I was touched that Joan suggested drinks at the Four S3asons. You know how big of a snob I am (NOT), so it should be grotesquely amusing!

Not sure what I am going to do today. I have a lecture this afternoon (tour, actually), at probably three. Apart from that I am free. I still have yet to jump in the shower and then I will choose a church or a monastery or some other cool place to explore. I love it here so much! The time will fly, of course, but I can't believe I have only been here for two full days! I have done so much.

It's funny. There were terrible, crusty Brits in my class the last time I was here who also snubbed me. I had thought that they were a bunch of old fools, so I didn't care. I didn't expect it to be a generalized sort of a thing. This time, all of the English in my class appear to be younger, gap year kids, so things are a little bit freer. I do have to laugh. I am not at all affected by snobbery, except to feel sorry for these people for experiencing life through such a small crack in the door. I mean, how can you take people seriously who write you off without even inquiring as to your life experience, your interests, or possibly your education or trade. I mean, it's hilarious!

Soo...the thing with the BI though is that the books collection is absolutely, ridiculously beautiful. I can ignore all of the C3cil Vys3s for those. And the class, I heard from the Korean girl, at the art studio, is one of the very best. She had already been to London to do some course at St. Marks - in her six months of studying art on leave (how cool is that?) - and seemed to have researched the "best" courses for her needs.

I hope that I can afford to meet up with her in September, but I think not. It is rather expensive to do the intensive course. I will think about it though. I might be better off pursuing courses in Canada and then coming back next year.

Sooo...lovely, lovely stuff to do.

OH! The most hysterical thing happened. I came back to the hostel after being snubbed and was treated so kindly by a FRENCH couple. This was even before I had opened my mouth to demonstrate that I speak French! They were so sweet and friendly. It totally made me laugh. I mean, I know it's generally Parisians who are meant to be unfriendly, but I thought the contrast of Britons looking down their noses at my flat American speech and French people going out of their way to accomodate me was hysterical!

You know, life is hysterical! Truly hysterical. I feel like a character in a Henry Jam3s novel. Though I hope I shall not come to a bad end. :)

Well, should grab a shower before the cleaning crew jumps in. I've found it a good strategy to shower late lately. I need to doll up in my birthday pink dress.

Oh don't worry, as well - I drank EXTRA of the wine at the institute last night after they snubbed me. Thought I'd get extra loud and annoying... ;-) Well, as loud as I can get, anyhow, which is not that loud.

From now on I shall speak about the Italians. I wore heels yesterday and a puffy skirt. Typically I wear flats here. But oh man was the attention from Italians divine yesterday. So many lovely winks and ciaos and buon giornos and old men turning to look at one's ass as one passes. They do it in such a nice way; were I at home I would be creeped out. The Italians know how to make you feel pretty and not objectified. They have such a general appreciation of "beauty." And how can one be offended by a man looking at you when he's wearing coral pants??? He wants you to look at him, too. :)


8:13 a.m. - 2009-05-13


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Come al solito - 2011-04-16
unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
Whirlwind. - 2011-04-13
bleak that flips over to daffodil - 2011-04-08