
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


My name is EB and I am a windbag!

You'll excuse the last entry! I sound like such a self-important snob! Not intended.

Let's talk Johnny D3pp. I don't know what it is about JD, but he sure has the magic. I don't normally "like" young, studly movie stars, but he has something, doesn't he? Definitely.

Who knew that he'd done so many awful movies earlier in his career though. Do you know, one of my favourites was the one that he did with the guy who made 12 Monkeys (T3rry Guill!am, I think). The one of which I write is a documentary about how they COULDN'T actually successfully make Don Quixot3. I wish I could remember what that was called. That was a good movie, ahem...documentary.

So I got invited to go out to watch/hear some fiddle music this afternoon. I feel as though I'd rather stay in and continue cleaning, pack my bag for Italy. In fact, my Italy duffel bag is ripped again and so I need to do more stitching. I have stitched that bag so many times that it is likely to fall apart completely on the tarmack in Frankfurt! I like it though because it is 1) small; 2) red and easy to spot; 3) easy to carry. I take my small knapsack as a carry-on and I am very portable. I just pick up the duffel on the conveyor belt and I walk out of the airport, easy breezy. I keep on thinking that I should buy myself a bigger carry-on so that I could take one bag only, but then I think I would run out of space, or the carry-on would be too big and would be rejected (my carry-on knapsack is quite modest and has lots of pockets - 40L I think, but big enough to carry three or four dresses, neatly rolled or folded (I know - what a backpacker am I!), a couple of skirts, a sweater, some nice t-shirts and an evening top or two).

Anyhow, that is all to say that I am a ratty, bag lady traveler...who likes to challenge herself to travel with as little as possible (which makes sense when you're going to hike the desert, but not so much when you're going to Florence! I have stupid goals in life!). I am also a bag lady traveler who gets herself drunk in order to fly because she hates it so much. (But don't worry, I'm not an annoying drunk. I usually just have two glasses of wine over the Atlantic, and then fall asleep watching movies. This time I am thinking I should take a gravol and sleep instead. Man I hate flying. :))

So...that is all of my storytelling for today. I'm going to hurt my fingers by stitching up my sorry little red duffel bag that will carry my cycling clothes and pjs and towel and will leave me enough space should I want to bring back a bottle of wine, some olive oil or some fine Italian footwear! :)

Not enough room to store a cute Italian, malheureusement...

PS I am QUITE ashamed at how grubby I am compared with artgnome. I never take such care with my electronics! I simply must eat everywhere. Do you know, I was cleaning the bathroom yesterday and found a couple of flakes of my cereal in there! (I had spilled the bowl this week when I was eating cereal and walking back and forth in the morning. Seriously - I feel for any man who ends up living with me. I am not exactly...easy.)


11:02 a.m. - 2009-05-03


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Come al solito - 2011-04-16
unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
Whirlwind. - 2011-04-13
bleak that flips over to daffodil - 2011-04-08