
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


For love or money.

It's always funny when you realize that you're an idiot.

Annamaria gave me the updated weather forecast for Italy and (so far, at least), it is looking sunny in the cities I am visiting for the whole period I am there!

Anyhow. At between 8 and 13 degrees C, I don't think I should need the parka that I wore to work today in -26!


I remembered that I have a short down jacket (square, not gathered at the waist or practical or anything) that I never wear - because it is too light to be of use in Canada. I think I grabbed it out of the closet to take out the garbage one day in October. So that should do! Hardly fashionable but at least portable and reasonably warm. Add a big scarf and a cashmere!

So, for love or money. I had a kind of a random conversation today with a guy in my department who has just returned from three years on exchange in Brussels. It was very interesting to talk to him, because he reminded me of the minuses to living in Italy. Would I really give up my indexed pension and, more importantly, the intangibles to my quality of life here in Canada?

It's a good question. I have no answers. I can't deal with cheating (in business, I mean), so I'd probably end up shooting me some Italians at some point were I to live there.

Who knows.

So the trip is shaping up to be EXTREMELY different to my usual trips. It will be a true hopping trip. Florence for NYE. Venice for three days. Flying to Rome. Train back to Florence. Totally not me to do that in a nine-day period. I simply hope that everything goes off without a hitch/safely. I'm going to pack lightly and also travel with a light heart. I doubt that I will do such a Christmas trip again, but you just never know. I'm learning to live with surprising myself. :)

In other news, I was a bit of a badass today. I found it difficult to work with people leaving and the Italy thing. The co-worker who is going as well interrupted me at various intervals.

Today was such a funny day, too, as ANOTHER COMPLETELY RANDOM GUY FROM MY PAST looked me up and called me at work. I haven't seen that guy in six years.

I really don't know why these men get in touch with me. As far as I recall, this guy is married. Why do you call a strange woman out of the blue???

Perhaps he's no longer married.


Not interested, anyhow.

But you catch my drift. Men are weird; mysterious are they, shall we say.

I feel so organized and proud of myself. Apparently tomorrow is only a half day in the office but I have already gone and bought my Christmas groceries. I'm doing a non-traditional Christmas. I really don't feel like turkey this year, anyhow. (Well, I feel like A turkey...)

I am going to make my super-rich chicken marsala for C. Maybe I'll accompany it with some fluffy potatoes and a salad with a light citrus dressing. Very simple. I need to come up with a surprise for C. though. I always like a good surprise. Not sure what it will be. I think I'm going to surprise people for epiphany this year.

Well, I feel guilty for not working too hard today so I am going to go off and read a paper that I could have read today. I feel guilty because in addition to talking with my co-worker repeatedly about the trip, I stood in line at the currency exchange to buy my Euro in the afternoon. You don't want to know how terrible the exchange rate was for me. I should have cried!! (And then I did a stupid-me thing and worried about what would happen to all of that money in my wallet if the plane crashed, and how I should leave it in my bank account so that my friends and family could have it. I KNOW - who thinks like that??? It's too bad that one can't make a living from manufacturing worry...I mean, I spent half of the week as it is worrying about a COAT...)


I'm boring. I should sign out and go off and continue to stuff myself with baguette.


7:13 p.m. - 2008-12-23


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Come al solito - 2011-04-16
unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
Whirlwind. - 2011-04-13
bleak that flips over to daffodil - 2011-04-08