
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


Kidding, really.

Oh! I have a great plan for tomorrow.

The husband of the former governor general is giving a talk at the Writ3r's Fest. He's a philosopher.

Apparently tomorrow he's going to crap on Canada's national symbols. "What can you do with a beaver?" is the tagline.

I think I'll go and ask him some difficult questions. :)

I'll tell you what you can do with a beaver: make a nice hat. That's what the French were doing in the 16th and 17th centuries when they explored the vast reaches of the country. And if you were an Indian it got you smallpox and booze. Excellent trade! Well, no, that was when they started trading with the English. The French had a more harmonious relationship with the Indians (except when the J3suits were converting them - not good). Difficult to imagine, but true.

I'm just joking. Should be highly amusing. I've never liked that guy, for some reason.

Well, so...I think the talk should be interesting. I don't know why they are charging 15 bucks for it, though!

I guess to pay for security, with all of those Canadians outraged over his dissing of the beaver.


Can I tell you a funny story? Yesterday I thought that there was a bad smell in my house and so I was worried that my landlord had died and was rotting away in his apartment! So I knocked on his door and of course he was fine. But his apartment does smell. Silly man. He needs a maid. I think he has rotting fruit or something. Old men really can't take care of themselvs.

So the problem with visiting my landlord is that I always get sucked into having a drink with him. It's difficult to tear myself away. I realize, too, that this is because I feel guilt over leaving someone lonely. He has lots of activities, but I can tell that he misses companionship. It definitely reminds me that as much as I like my independence, I want to find another M. I hope it will happen one day for me. I don't even mind the idea of taking care of a doddery old man, if we had a few good years beforehand! :)


10:44 a.m. - 2008-10-18


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How does it go? - 2011-04-14
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