
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


grateful for...crispy, gluten-free cereal

I'm shocked by how "regular" I've been becoming.

Don't worry - I don't mean THAT kind of regular.

It's that I've been making my lunches, going to bed on time, getting up on time, having BREAKFAST before I leave for work, arriving at work earlier than I need to (which is more like the time at which everyone else arrives).

Hilarious! Who knew that I actually had regular work-a-day in me??

So unfortunately I fell asleep too late last night. I DID indeed last evening start reading an article for work. It was actually quite interesting and I was working out how I am going to apply the ideas to my model today. But then my brain kept on thinking as I was lying in bed. That is NEVER good. Work and bed don't go together.

ANd then I had another thought. Do you remember how a few weeks ago I mentioned that my ex-boyfriend from university (my first really long-term boyfriend, with whom I did my first long trip around Asia, and who asked me to marry him before I left - oops) had emailed that he was getting married? Well he got married yesterday.

I knew that there was something. That explains a lot. I wouldn't want to be married to HIM, but you know what I mean. I think that these things get you thinking.

I think that that's all. I don't feel very positive or very hopeful today (although I don't feel NEGATIVE - phew!), so it's going to need conscious work. I can do that. I need to figure out what I want and then focus on the prize. I was always so happy when I had my running goals, because every day I woke up happy knowing that I was working towards them. Having something like that gives you some certainty. It centers you.

Hopefully the *excitement* :( of having the senior economist back today will wear off and I'll be able to sleep more fully tonight. :)

I'm also going to try to make myself go to yoga tonight or at least DO some yoga. All good! (I'm really going to need yoga after the s.e. comes by and gloats about his beautiful wife and his vacation whilst posturing in front of my office. How intrusive is that guy...Oh well.

Have GREAT days!

It's a beautiful life, isn't it? Every day is fully of possibility.


8:35 a.m. - 2008-08-25


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unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
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