
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


Oh when I tumble I roll down a ravine. I really did that once. I was running in the morning - I am NEVER good in the morning - and my boyfriend didn't at first miss me and then eventually looked behind when he realized that I was no longer with him.

Good joke, Fifi - No el. :)

Oh good lord bah humbug rats!

I'm going to get suckered again, aren't I?

It's going to be another Larrygate, I can just feel it.

Only it's going to be a (insert major Jane Austen romantic hero name here) gate instead.


SO, needless to say, I got an email today from drummer boy.

And then we proceeded to email back and forth for quite a while, as I was enjoying the banter and the attention and if I might be so bold I would have to say that I was really funny today! :)

I was feeling great. It was a nice spring day. I was wearing a pretty brown skirt and nude hose and pretty grey-brown crocodile heels and a white gathered blouse with a heathered cream, fitted merino sweater over top...and my hair was nice and full and flippy. It was a good hair day. But I digress. :)

So dude kept on emailing me and now I'm afraid I'm suckered.

He got me with stuff like this: "laughing.. you are a delight. You are not bugging me. There has to be some balance I suppose.. I just think back to when I used to run ( nothing like you, just every other night). Once I was in good enough shape I started to love it... sometimes alone, sometimes with another guy.. loved the cadence, the sound, almost like the meditative quality of drumming... winter was nice too, especially at night."

And this: "I just snorted my tea. LOL"

Afternoon tea drinker. Check!

Also, he finds me funny. Check!

To which I responded: "I tend to have that effect on people."

Digression again: See, I'm learning to flirt! ;)

And then when I told him that I could no longer write and needed to work:

"Ever have one of those conversations when you don't want to hang up the phone.. I know.. VERY high school. "


I always fall for these charming, handsome, drumming or not drumming, Irish-like, Guinness-swilling winking dudes who are like me on the surface but who ultimately turn out to be snakes...or at least underdeveloped emotionally or something.

I'm just so BAD AT THIS.

But I will tell you something: This time I'm armed. I've decided that I am going to consciously start dating several people at once. That way, I can keep it relatively free and easy until it's not.

ANd when I say dating I don't mean DATING. I mean, "Meh! Dating"

I've realized something lately and this is whta is going to make this work this time: I really am special and don't need to settle for someone who doesn't treat me like a special and worthwhile person, someone who doesn't make the effort.

They will have to work this time.

Though not too much, I hope. So now I have to find a couple of others to date. I think I already located one today, so..check! You see, I can be good at this when I put my mind to it. Next I'll email the cycling teacher dude and see if he's game.

OK. That's all. I didn't sleep well last night, unfortunately - though I feel like a million bucks, yay stomach function - but I have to go to the symphony tonight with my friends.

How is this for stupid? My friend from university and his wife (Ava, I've mentioned her before) invited me to the symphony. They mentioned that they would be bringing other people from her work along.

So M. came along last week to give me my ticket and I'm looking at it and thinking, "Could you have gotten a seat further back and up from the orchestra?"

ANd the answer is...NO.

They bought tickets in teh very last row of the second balcony, i.e. "You might as well be sitting in the toilets, or standing outside the hall" seats, because their friends have never before been to the symphony and don't think they'll like it.

Let me inform you that they all are single (apart from my friends) and have good jobs.

I'll tell you how to ensure that you WON'T LIKE THE SYMPHONY: Sit in seats which you have to climb four flours to get to and for which you have to bring your own toilet paper if you decide to use the bathrooms.

SOme people are SOOOOO silly. Talk about false economy.

OK. THat's it for my mouthing off today.

Tomorrow, I must work harder. I was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo not a good girl today.

Incidentally, here is my best "I'm skeptical and jetlagged" look. I should employ this now. :)


6:24 p.m. - 2008-04-14


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Come al solito - 2011-04-16
unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
Whirlwind. - 2011-04-13
bleak that flips over to daffodil - 2011-04-08