
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


Oh goodness how I love bite-sized poetry!

Ah you guys are good!

Catch this one by blighty, from my notes:

"Prison, redemption follows murderous love triangle."

Ha ha! I love it. Mine were too sappy.

Speaking of sappy, the poet scientist wrote one for me today:

Lines around her eyes. Unspeakably lovely.

He wrote a really good one about the end of his marriage though that I should copy for you.

Tell me that that was not a fun exercise!

Can you tell that I was BAAADDDD and could not stop thinking about poetry this morning at work?

And then I had French class this afternoon. SO when I returned to the office this afternoon I stayed and worked until nearly 8 p.m. just to assuage my guilt.

As I was assuaging my guilt whilst unfortunately working on a Fudge It document, I had a thought.

The thought was this: We spend a great portion of our lives doing stupid, meaningless things. Brilliant, I know

I remember reading a while back a description by a woman who had calculated how much time she could save -life credits she could gain - in her life by never shaving her legs or pits.

It was kind of an interesting pseudo-feminist rant.

So my contribution to this great dialogue on time wasting is this:

I spend a great deal of my life colouring things. How much time do we all have to spend in shading and lining boxes in different colours or patterns in some word or numbers processing software, for the benefit of highers up?

Seriously, I've spent more of my adult life electronically colouring things than I have done having sex.


And I don't even get to use fingerpaints, white glue and macaroni!

Or sparkles.

I want me some sparkles.

I think that that's all.

I should have mentioned before that I have a crush on that radio host for the show that is having that poetry contest. He is exactly my kind of guy. Musician, writer, background in history, cute cute cute. Anyhow. I thought of sending him this six word-er:

Selecting words to seduce radio host.


OK. I'm due to either run or skate tonight or both. AGAIN, I did not sleep adequately last night so AGAIN I am unmotivated. I'm eating bread at my computer at the moment. Get up! Get up!

I wore my new pink dress today.

OH and a very cute guy from across the hall at work and I chatted about two hours ago. I got home and found that he had sleuthed me out on f@cebo0k. Too bad the dude is younger than my youngest brother. And that is young. Best guess is 28. He has roommates.

I am not dating a guy with roommates.



8:07 p.m. - 2008-02-13


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Come al solito - 2011-04-16
unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
Whirlwind. - 2011-04-13
bleak that flips over to daffodil - 2011-04-08