
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


Baiting bait am I.

Not much to say! I still hate work. But it's getting really, really boring to talk about work, and I can't change the fact that there is a bit of a mismatch between my skills and my job. What can I do about it now?

In a few months, I can do something. But first I need to give it a reasonable effort.

No more job talk.

I had a weird feeling this evening that I should take myself to the bookstore. There was no particularly good reason for this, and otherwise I realize that I should probably stop *buying* books, at least new ones, and start going to the library.

I just get such a thrill when I buy a new book!

I bought a book that appealed to me as holiday reading. I'm going to take Fifi's suggestion and wrap it up for myself for xmas day. It's nothing too exciting, but it caught my mood. I'm a moody reader. It's Alberto Mangu3l's A History of R3ading.

Like I need another book for my "to read" pile. Frankly, I'm going to read for the entire holiday week. I doubt I'll even leave my apartment, except to run. Perhaps not a prescription for health, but a prescription for emotional revolution at least.

What else? Nothing. Veggies came today. And I had a brief shock when I looked in my bank account only to realize that the rent cheque that I thought had gone off earlier in the month had not. Brief blip.

I bought two pairs of work shoes that were half price. They're very good and practical shoes but already I'm feeling guilty.

My goodness I loathe spending money these days!

Wow, this is dull.

I should stop worrying.

Uh yeah. There is no more. I should definitely stop writing nonsense.

Today I went to work on costing something that someone wants to represent one way, when really there are too many interaction effects to properly isolate the policy. One must, however, do what one must do.

The thing about this work though was that it had me interacting with this senior guy who I know is attracted to me.

This is not much of a compliment, since I can see him sniffing around another woman down the floor as well.

And I wouldn't tell you this if it were not relevant, but this guy has more than half a dozen kids. I mean, this guy clearly likes women. It's sort of obvious.

So the funny thing is that I've not been giving this guy the time of day, really. At each of the last couple of parties he sidled up to me at various points and I never engaged him beyond what was promoted by his participation in a group conversation. And then I moved away.

So anyhow. Today the guy was in my senior economist's office as the s.e. and I were working on a note. He came in to offer suggestions from on high, and when so doing noticed a pic of the senior economist's attractive, blonde wife.

Guy: Hmm.. Is that your wife?

(I'm guessing that guy's wife is TIRED given that their kids range in age from infant to teen, and perhaps not looking so super great at the moment.)

S.E.: Yes.

Guy: What's her name?

S.E.: _____. It's a popular name - boss and other guy down the row have wives of the same name.

Me (piping in): It's my wife's name too.

S.E.: (chuckles)

Guy: (looks bewildered)

Me: (Winks and turns back to computer screen, noting something very interesting in the file on which we were working.)


I'm such a rake. Can a woman be a rake?

A rogue?

Not sure.

For sure I am an imp.

Really interested to know what Guy will do with false bit of information.

I could tell you about the other senior director who has been sniffing around my office, but I'll leave that for later. :)

Time to pour myself a much-deserved glass of vino.


10:55 p.m. - 2007-12-21


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Come al solito - 2011-04-16
unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
Whirlwind. - 2011-04-13
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