
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


Pizza and research

I realized today that I have officially become a middle-aged working person.

I rush down to the gym at lunch time to partake of a spinning class. I rush home late with no time to cook (and also at the moment no refrigerator, in my defence).

Pretty soon I am going to get a cat and chronic insomnia...and then I am going to start showing up at the office at 7 a.m. and it will all be over.

Please tell me to stop though if I end up looking dazed and confused like half of the other bureaucrats, with a skunk stripe in my hair from insufficient attention to hair colouring.

Actually, please prevent me from colouring my hair again--it was clearly too traumatic an exercise for me to deal with once.


So I've decided to date S., if he ever asks me out again. He's been checking in by email all week but so far no new date plans. He's leaving tomorrow for a weekend reunion back home. He said he'd be in touch when he returns. He's a sweetie; I hope he does.

That is about it. I went out to the video store to rent a video for C. and I to watch and he is due over. And just to tell you what a thoughtful friend I am I got him some potato chips--which he almost never has but he occasionally likes as a treat. And I picked him up a slice of vegetarian pizza too. When he sees me eating mine...All this in spite of the fact that he called me three times in a row--as usual--unable to make up his mind over 1) whether he wanted to watch a movie or taped stuff that he has at home; 2) which movie he would watch were we to watch a movie; and 3) whether he wanted any food to eat. C. cannot decide his way out of a wet paper bag, I might add. I am a patient woman. :)

I try hard. I'm trying so hard at the moment that I have a massive headache. Though I think that that is due to the hunching over a computer screen at the National Statistics Agency today running a model. And listening to the lady who runs the centre. A lovely lady by MY GOD does she love to talk.

And the funny thing--not so funny for her--is that Benoit had warned me not to start a conversation with her--especially about one of her ex-husbands--and he predicted accurately the events of my afternoon. Interestingly, the issue today was not an ex-husband. It was actually the fact that she has recently had her eyelids done and the operation didn't quite go as planned. One of the eyelids is up and one is down. So she has to go back to have them done again.

I REALLY wish that you guys knew my curmudgeonly, little, genius, intense, workaholic, boy-friend Benoit. You, too, then, would be so very amused at the thought of the expression on his face when I told him this story upon my return to the office today.

Hmmmm...I've finished my slice of pizza. I think that I might have to eat C's, too. So I'm only half of a good friend. :)

Update: C. finally showed up and proceeded to eat half of his I've decided that I am 3/4 of a good friend. :)


9:00 p.m. - 2007-09-13


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unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
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