
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


Blow me down.

As usual, I have come here too late and with too little energy!

You really don't want to know how I spent my day. I will tell you though that my day ended on the phone with my co-author in Vancouver, and ended with me still on the phone and sitting in the dark after the lights had been turned off in the whole building. I mean, really, I am not paid THAT well.

The good news is that we seemed to come to some agreement thematically on how this behemoth morass of a paper is going to be presented. It is only with dread that I think of this.

So let's not think of it, shall we?

C. comes for a visit this weekend, but I'm afraid that I have slept so little this week that I am not looking forward to it much. He's quite agitated and uptight these days as the countdown is on for him to finish his dissertation. (He begins a full-time job in June.) I love him but he makes me crazy, to be sure.

I don't know what else to say. The ecologist guy called and made nice with me on Tuesday--seemed he simply thought that I wasn't interested and was nervous about asking me out again, didn't want to push--and then he invited me today to a lovely piano concert to take place on Tuesday at the National Arts Centre. I am so excited. It will be Beethoven, Brahms, Bach and Chopin. Had it been Schubert I would have asked the ecologist immediately if I could bear his children. :)

So that is nice.

I went out with another guy last night. He was lovely and interesting and well-educated but frankly I did not have a good time. I can't say, however, if it is because I was not well-rested and positioned to enjoy myself, or if he didn't interest me. I will likely go out with him in a couple of weeks, once things settle down.

I mentioned this to teranika already but I must say that the amusement of my day involved faxing my current pay stubs to my new job. I mean, I am in the public service. I have a public service inventory number...Don't these people have ways of, uh, transferring electronic records or, uh, accessing databases on this stuff? (I'm starting to worry about my prior pensionable earnings. :))

Sigh. Really, sigh. I am ridiculously tired. I know, however, now that I have finished the work of this evening (a busy beaver's work is never done) and it is going on 1 a.m., that I need some sitting-alone-down-time and will not sleep for a while. To tomorrow. Oh, right, tomorrow is today.

In other, more fascinating news, let it be said that my email breakup that never ends has become the email breakup that never DIES. He emailed me again today. He is NOT GETTING THE MESSAGE. My administrative assistant is concerned that he is stalking me. I know that that is not the case (and I could take him in a fight or at least run away from him, anyhow :)). It is amusing though how the laws of economics apply admirably in relationships (greater scarcity raises price).

Tired. So tired. Must curl up in my chair. I'm old before my time. Note to self: Don't work so much.


12:58 a.m. - 2007-03-17


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Come al solito - 2011-04-16
unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
Whirlwind. - 2011-04-13
bleak that flips over to daffodil - 2011-04-08