
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


I'm being lured in by undoubtedly sneaky strangers on the Internet

I have had an extremely amusing last couple of days. And not because I am mocking people, as you will soon suspect, but because I have been distracted by something different and a bit fun and utterly unexpected.

So here's the story: Yesterday morning, tired of C2's complaining about all of the guys she's been matched with and the various levels of their inappropriateness, I went on a dating site with the intention of scoping out a few guys for her and sending the links with a, "Here, see, this is the kind of guy who, at least on the surface, seems to be the perfect guy for you." But, perhaps not unexpectedly, except to a novice like me, I found one guy and then lost track of him and when I tried to find him again was repeatedly bumped from the system for not registering. So, in that sneaky way that it happens, I found that registering was supposedly easy, then involved more than I expected, and then landed me with a fairly-complete profile on the net.

I mean, I thought to myself at the time, what the heck. I figured that it didn't hurt as an experiment and could always be pulled at a moment's notice. In working through the process though I realized that putting my current location makes no sense--since I'll be in the big O in seven weeks--and so I posted from there and stated that I would be away from the city until August/September.


So you would not believe the response that I got, that I am getting! Who knew that Ottawa was such a hotbed of geeky yearning??? And I said nothing about my running/body, job, specific interests. I said almost nothing identifiable except what I think is great in another person. I posted a photo with the ad too, but one of those unflattering and distant shots that I thought would not attract any grotesque or louche interest.


Anyhow. So the interesting bit is that I've felt REALLY guilty about luring any nice, well-meaning and lonely men into my net so I've spent a number of hours in the last twenty-four hours writing them nice notes back declining their interest. Most of them are too serious and settled and almost certainly would not be interested in me, anyways.

But the interesting part is that so far, out of a couple of hundred guys, I would put about twenty in the "might date" category, and that is a great deal for me. In particular, I have corresponded with two guys--and one in particular--who is absolutely fantastic in conversation. His wit is fabulous and even if he is a letcherous wreck of a guy with five shipwrecked children and two ex-wives (unlikely, since he is a 32-year-old doctoral student), it has been fun. I mean, fun.

So, there you go. I swore that dating sites were way beneath me but I may be converted to at least giving it a try. When I move. What do I have to lose, really, especially if I take appropriate precautions in following through? All for a lark.

Some of the non-winners are tremendously amusing, too, and please don't think me nasty for mentioning VIAGRARAY, a guy who has been stalking me since yesterday and who has posted pictures of himself fondling the backsides of various beasts of burden and their mechanical equivalents. Uh huh. There was also the guy who wrote "keeping my eye's open for that special woman"; but, really, how could a guy who admits to having possessive eyes be a no-good liar, I ask you????


5:47 p.m. - 2006-06-23


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unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
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