
enfinblue's Bluey (credit to Fifi for the nickname!) Diaryland Diary

"I am seeking, I am striving, I am in it with all my heart." -Vinc3nt V@n Gogh


The status quo is not an option!


I'm up.

No worries as I am not particularly hung over. I finished a bottle of white wine that I had in the fridge from New Year's Eve. I don't know how much had been drunk from it, but I would suppose that I drank no more than 2.5 glasses.

I love to drink and get a little bit tipsy, but every time I do I sort of regret it, because - and this is a bad thing - I want to get things done. The oddest thing though is that when I drink a bit I get extraordinarily happy and positive. Isn't it supposed to be the opposite? Isn't alcohol a depressant??

I wonder if it's the introvert thing. We had a psychologist come to our work retreat a year or two ago and talk about introverts vs. extroverts. There wasn't much problem at our department with the battle of these two types (mostly introverts), but we do have some notable extroverts (e.g. the senior economist who is my worst nightmare, but who fortunately has changed section and so only irritates me minimally these days). What the psychologist said I'll never forget. Introverts have problems with the environment around them because it offers too much stimulation. It can get them anxious and make it difficult for them to concentrate. Extroverts, on the other hand, need to seek out stimulation. They will finish things quickly so that they can talk to people (senior economist). Extroverts do well on coffee and social activity. And here's the punchline: introverts do well on a little bit of booze. Alcohol lowers the stimulation that goes in from the world at large - by dulling the senses, I suppose - and that's that.

Obviously, I am not going to take a flask to work.

I made a great discovery the other day though. I always drink dark-roasted coffee only. I go in the mornings and get one large dark roast and drink it black. I love that. I quit it for a while but then I started back at it when I visited Italy and, well, it's not something I really want to give up.

I always feel just fine on this one cup. I drink herbal tea only for the rest of the day.

So here's the point. I was in line with a collegue the other day and he said that dark roast, because of the roasting process, has less caffeine than do other varieties!!! The coffee shop owner/barista backed him up! I was thrilled! I had no idea.

It also explains why when I have to drink other coffee - or choose to - e.g. when I am in airports and traveling for long stretches, or when I go out for brunch as I did yesterday and all they have is one type of "all you can drink" coffee, I feel jumpy and not well. After brunch yesterday I really did feel quite strung out and I notice that if I drink just that little bit too much coffee I can start to feel very ill - tummy hurting, head hurting.


The things one learns.

I still do wonder about the booze thing. Give me one glass of wine and I feel like a million bucks.

I ate a lot last night though, which is probably why I'm dong OK today. I know that C. wants to go for a long run in a little while. I'd prefer to wait a bit but maybe earlier is better.

Sorry for the ramble. Thanks for you support in the last couple of days. I was just talking with a friend about personal tectonics. It's an apt expression, don't you think? It's just that some of us are centred closer to earthquake or subduction zones than are others. :)

PS I am so amused by FIfi's assertion that turtlenecks emphasize the cakes...that I am going to wear turtlenecks on all my dates! Forch, I have lots of turtlenecks!! :)


9:06 a.m. - 2010-01-10


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Come al solito - 2011-04-16
unfettered spending - 2011-04-15
How does it go? - 2011-04-14
Whirlwind. - 2011-04-13
bleak that flips over to daffodil - 2011-04-08